(0341) 353 377 idimalangraya@gmail.com


Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkelanjutan (PKB) REUMATOLOGI

⏰ 7 – 8 Oktober 2023
🏨 Hotel Santika Malang

A. Workshop

1. Intra Articular Hyaluronic Acid
2. Subcutaneous MTX Injection : How and When ?
3. ARMS – Applied Rheumatology Made Simple (GRATIS UNTUK DOKTER UMUM jika mengikuti SIMPOSIUM PKB) terbatas untuk 30 peserta

B. Symposium

1. MMF in autoimmune diseases
2. CTD-ILD : Unmet Needs & The Urgency To Manage
3. Biologic DMARD in ARD and IBD
4. How to use glucocorticoids effectively and safely?
5. MMF in A to Z Lupus
6. Degenerative Rheumatic Diseases: How to Manage
7. TNFi for RA Management
8. Rationalization of biologic DMARD in inflammatory arthritis
9. Optimizing Treatment Strategy in RA
10. How to overcome unmet needs in SLE ?
11. Pitfalls in Management of Degenerative Rheumatic Diseases

CP Datik Registrasi : 0852-3411-8066

Link Registrasi : https://tinyurl.com/pkbreumatologi2023



atas nama : IRA Malang QQ. Bagus P.P Suryana
No. Rek : 700474471300

Alur Registrasi

1. Daftar melalui link
2. Lakukan pembayaran dan upload bukti transfer di link
3. Tunggu e-mail dalam 2 x 24 jam, jika belum ada, silakan hubungi CP

CP Akomodasi Hotel Santika – Desy: 0821-3271-3636

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